Placenta Encapsulation


  • Placenta remedies are an important aspect of history, one that has been lost for many decades and is now as of recently being brought back to life. One of the first and greatest medical and pharmaceutical experts of China, Li Shi-Zhen, included placenta zi he chi as a medicine in his first (Traditional Chinese Medicine) TCM Materia Medica published in 1578. The most popular placenta encapsulation process used widely around the world today is based on TCM techniques, where the placenta is considered a powerful and sacred medicine – a ‘full of life force’ organ that should be consumed to support a healing mother after birth.

    There is scattered documentation of dried placenta prescribed as a remedy in Europe during the 1700’s. However, it wasn’t until the mid 1980’s when Raven Lang, an American midwife who studied TCM, brought back this lost tradition by promoting placenta remedies during a MANA conference in America.

  • After birth, mothers lose the generous amount of hormones that they spent accumulating throughout the duration of their pregnancy, and adjusting to this change can potentially bring a challenging emotional state such as postpartum depression, described as “Baby Blues.” Reintroducing these hormones, vitamins, and other nutrients can help to slowly taper a mother into a non pregnant hormonal level, as well as provide many of the following benefits.

    • Increased release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant. This hormone is known as the “love and bonding” hormone

    • Increase in CRH, a stress-reducing hormone

    • Decrease in postpartum depression levels

    • Restoration of iron levels in the blood

    • Increase in milk production

    • Improved mood and increased energy

    • Pain relief during afterbirth healing process

    • Phone consultation to answer any questions

    • Resource packet on history and benefits of placental consumption

    • On call availability for pick-up (starting at 37 weeks gestation)

    • Capsules

    • Tincture

    • Umbilical Cord Keepsake

    • Print (upon request)

  • The total fee is $350.00

  • Contact me to start the process & get more info!