Childbirth Education

Photo taken by: Diana Hinek


  • There's a wealth of information to help you maintain a healthy pregnancy, but the act of childbirth itself can seem a bit mysterious to many parents. Even if you've read up on all the details or given birth before. When we “go in blind” we often dont feel like active participants in the experience. Almost as if birth happend “to us.”

    That's where childbirth education can come in. Taking one (or even a few) classes gives you hands-on practice and knowledge about the entire birth process. In turn, knowing what to expect from that first contraction to that final push will go a long way toward reducing your anxiety and preparing you for the incredible and impactful journey you're about to go through.

  • During these sessions, we go over everything from signs of labor, to the initial postpartum period. and everything in between. We discuss each phase of labor, cover techniques for coping, and holistic pain reduction methods. We discuss your birth preferences so that the session can be catered to your vision as much as possible. Throughout, i answer any questions that arise

  • I offer 2 hour sessions for $200

  • Contact me so we can get your class scheduled! In person or virtual options available.