Birth Doula Services


Photo taken by: Diana Hinek


  • Doulas are trained professionals in childbirth, otherwise known as birth keepers who not only see birth as a beautiful and pivotal life altering event, but who draw upon their training, knowledge and extensive experience to provide the birthing family with emotional and informational support as well as physical comfort. Doulas provide guidance in communication with care providers to make sure that you have the information you (and your birth partner) need to make informed decisions during labor. Doulas also help provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner and make suggestions for helping labor to progress and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for your comfort. Ultimately, a doula is a consultant in regards to the services for which he/she is hired.

    Having an experienced doula by your side is invaluable.

  • The benefits of having a birth doula will vary according to what your birth vision is, however - studies have shown that having a doula as a member of the birth team decreases the overall cesarean rate by 50%, the length of labor by 25%, the use of oxytocin by 40%, and requests for an epidural by 60%.

    Other benefits include:

    • having a consistent support person by your side, whom you feel comfortable with.

    • having an advocate with you to speak up for your birth plan and preferences

    • Consistent physical, emotional, and informational support starting in pregnancy and lasting through postpartum

    • 24/7 availability for support from time of booking until 6 weeks postpartum 

    • Monthly 1 hour prenatal visits (bi-monthly if booked after 30 weeks gestation)

    • Assistance with developing an informed birth plan

    • Childbirth education class with birth team (partner, family, friends)

    • Education and information on coping techniques, counter pressure and holistic pain reduction options. 

    • Education and information on emotional and mental preparation.

    • Education and information on normal pregnancy development, and postpartum/newborn care.

    • Education and information on common procedures, interventions, and policies throughout prenatal and immediate postnatal care.

    • Education and information on trauma (previous birth, SA and/or past overall) and moving through pregnancy, labor,  birth and postpartum 

    • Attendance and support of entire labor, birth and immediate postpartum. 

    • Resources and referrals for outside services

  • The total fee is $2200.00

  • The first step is to schedule a consultation. This will be a 1 hour meeting either in person or virtually to get to know each other and to establish whether or not we are a good match. During this meeting, youre welcome to ask any questions you may have about me and what i offer.